Dock411 Facility Profiles
Amenities & Policies
Profiles include over 70 attributes about the facility
Photos & Videos
See photos and for some facilities, a video showing the best approach
![What's Nearby](
D411 Facility Map™
Overlays important details such as hazards on a standard satellite map
Driver Reviews
Our industry-leading reviews yield actionable information
Amenities & Policies
Knowing key details about a facility or location before a truck leaves saves everyone involved time and money. Finding out an appointment is required when a driver arrives on-site isn’t helpful to anyone.
Facility Profiles are more than whether or not an appointment is required. Profiles can include over 70 different amenities, equipment, requirements, services, and policies. Each item is one a shipper, driver, or dispatcher told us, “If I had only known X, I could have saved…”.
Standard satellite maps are incomplete
Satellite maps are a technological wonder. Unfortunately, most mapping tools are designed and built for consumers. They are useful for trucking and logistics users, but not ideal. D411 Facility Maps™ close the gap between consumer level information and the minute details which complete the picture for B2B users. Our maps overlay important details about the facility, such as the best approach route, location of the yard entrance, staging areas, hazards, walk-through doors, and nearest parking to make them significantly more useful for the industry.
Driver Reviews
We know reviews can be a scary proposition. No one wants to be bashed. That’s why we worked hard with our shipper users to build a review system which yields meaningful insights.
10-point review
Instead of asking drivers to think about their overall experience and give a single one-to-five star response, our reviews have them to rate your facility on ten specific areas, including cleanliness, lighting, and maneuverability.
Focused Feedback
With feedback about specific areas of shipper facilities, it’s easier to know where problems might lie, weigh the significance, and make decisions about how to respond.
Overall Positive Ratings!
The average facility rating is 3.67! It shows that our well-designed review system yields meaningful and actionable information.
Photos & Videos
Clear Visuals Show the Way
91% of the truck drivers we surveyed said they wanted to see photos of locations they visit. Having a better picture, literally, of the facilities they go in to helps get them to the right location more quickly and safely. For extra clarity, a video showing the approach and highlighting hazards keeps things on track and reduces insurance claims.
Start Saving Time and Money Today
It’s easy to manage your facility profile on Dock411. Start by clicking the button below to claim your facility.
Download the Dock411 app to look up your next stop, leave a review, or refer a shipper to us.
You know that a load into or out of a bad location can cost you money. Use our information to make better decisions.