30,000 New Shipper Locations

Our database of dock information grows every day due to the time and effort of our driver users. We appreciate them and more importantly, our other driver users appreciate them sharing their experience.

The data they enter in the app has put us on a nice, steady climb.

Turbo Boost

Every week or so, our database gets a turbo boost. Today was one of those days. We received a file of more than 30,000 shipper locations from a manufacturer who believes in our mission.

The locations include other manufacturers and suppliers, retail outlets, distribution centers, and warehouses.

We’ll be processing the data over the next few weeks. Once we’ve cleaned and massaged the data to conform to our format, we’ll start contacting each of the locations to get any additional data we can about their facility. And if our data team is in the area, we’ll take some photos and add them to the app. Then we’ll migrate everything into the main Dock411 database so it’s available to all our users.

If you have a database of docks, shippers, manufacturing facilities, or any other location truck drivers visit, let us know. We’ll provide you with a secure means to transfer the file to us. If you are concerned about sharing data, for example, because it’s your customer list, we can anonymize the data in a variety of ways to disassociate it from you.