An update on our Web App

While our mobile apps remain our most popular way to look up docks, our web app also makes it easy to research and review your upcoming stops and related facility data.

Also, just like its iOS and Android counterparts the web app is frequently updated to fix bugs, incorporate new features from our API, and help provide a better experience working with dock data.

I’ll review the highlights from the recent changes below. Some may not seem that glamorous but often it’s the little things that make all the difference.

Our customers have a special toolbox available within their dock details page. This toolbox provides links to hi-res PDFs for downloading and printing. They include driver review flyers and the associated D411 ID signs. The toolbox now includes the latest thumbnails and descriptions so shippers can easily find the documents they’re after.

The web app is now consistent to the mobile apps in a dock’s attributes. Each set of attributes are also in specific categories. For example the dock’s address is on the top right of the General section.

The above might seem minor but when designs deviate across platforms, users can become disoriented and confused. Having a dependable user interface is key to user trust. Users learn how to use our platform once and then that knowledge applies to whichever platform they decide to use in the future.

Along with the dock attributes we also include a Facility Map so drivers can know where the actual dock is, where they can and can’t park, along with what the best route in is. Not all dock’s have a complete Facility Map but our shippers and data team are constantly improving our map data.

The biggest update to our Facility Maps is that they now included points of interest (POIs) in the vicinity. These POIs may include parking, truck stops, and washes, all within ten miles of the facility. Major POI markers will be branded with their company logo. Please note: you may need to zoom out in the map to see the POI markers.

We’ve also increased the height of the dock Facility Map by 150 pixels. Adding the POIs and updating the map size allows visitors to get a better view of the dock and surrounding area. And better views allows users to make better decisions.

We’ve also added a new Help section with overviews of how to use the most popular features of the web app. We’ll continue to add more help pages in the future so as to provide more details on how to take advantages of the functionality available.

You’ll find the Help link in the footer on the left or in the main left navigation if you’re signed in.

We hope you enjoy these web app updates as much as we have building them.