Web App, now in Spanish

Dock411 has regularly scheduled development meetings to discuss additional support or innovation for our customers. We purposely leave an empty chair at the table to remind us what does the customer need.

One need we heard and responded to is to support for more languages than just English in our Web App. Today we’re happy to announce the web version now supports Spanish. Look for a link in the footer to switch between the English and Español versions and also for a new field on your account page.

Initially the web app makes a best guess for visitor’s preferred language and will automatically display the Spanish version as needed. Of course this can be overridden simply by clicking the footer link mentioned above or by updating your account.

We’re also in the process of rolling out additional language support in our mobile apps and your preferred language will persist across visits to the web app and mobile apps.

As always, if you have comments or suggestions on how we can improve don’t hesitate to let us know.